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MK9520 Voyager
With a futuristic design and high-performance scanning technology the MS9520 is clearly the most advanced auto-triggered scanner on the market today. Enabled for both In-stand and Out-of-stand operation Voyager can be used as a hand-held and fixed presentation scanner. The feature-packed Voyager comes equipped with PowerLink user-replaceable cables and power supply MetroSelect one-code programming MetroSet Windows-based software configuration utility Bits n' Pieces data editing utility and an Electronic Article Surveillance (EAS) option. The MS9520 Voyager is perfect for many applications including point-of-sale inventory control and commercial-warehouse applications. With its aggressive performance and comfortable design Voyager is far and away the most advanced scanner on the market today.
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MK9540 Voyager
With a futuristic design and high-performance scanning technology the MS9540 VoyagerCG is equipped with all of the features of the MS9520 Voyager with the addition of Metrologic's exclusive CodeGate data transmission technology. CodeGate is an intuitive scanning system that is ideal for all scanning applications including Point-of-Sale document processing inventory and menu scanning just to name a few. CodeGate works hand in hand with Metrologic's automatic-triggering scheme. Simply present a bar code to the scanner; place the high-visibility laser line on the bar code then press the CodeGate button to transmit the data to the host system. It's as easy as one two three! Equipped with both In-Stand and Out-of-Stand operation Voyager can be used as both a hand-held and fixed projection scanner. While resting in the stand the CodeGate button is deactivated making VoyagerCG a presentation scanner. The feature-packed Voyager comes equipped with PowerLink user-replaceable cables and power supply MetroSelect one-code programming MetroSet Windows-based software configuration utility Bits n' Pieces data editing utility and an Electronic Article Surveillance (EAS) option. With aggressive performance and lightweight design VoyagerCG is far and away the most advanced scanner on the market today!
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VoyagerBT is a wireless, laser bar code scanner designed for low to medium throughput Point of Sale (POS) or light warehouse applications where the convenience of a wireless hand held scanner is needed.
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MS6520 Cubit
Metrologic's Cubit is a compact omni-directional bar code scanner for retail presentation scanning applications. Cubit is equipped with a mounting bracket that can be attached securely to a countertop or wall for fixed-mount scanning. The mounting bracket allows for rotation as well with a locking design that gives Cubit 64° of tilt making it perfect for installation underneath check writing and credit card stands. Cubit’s housing design allows for added protection and durability to withstand the rigors of even the busiest point-of-sale environment. Projecting a patented omnidirectional scan pattern Cubit can scan and decode all standard bar codes as they are presented in any orientation. Cubit looks good too. Available in three different colors Cubit blends cosmetically with virtually any existing point-of-sale equipment.
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Metrologic's MS6720 is the first Laser Bar Code Scanner to truly bridge the gap between omni-directional fixed projection and hand-held Scanners. It incorporates fixed projection performance and patented 20-line scan pattern into the comfortable ergonomic styling of the popular hand-helds. With this design Metrologic has engineered a Scanner that transcends any other on the market today. The MS6720 utilizes a unique patented infrared sensor and control scheme for hands-free projection scanning and fatigue reduced hand-held operation. Whether operators choose to present small items to the Scanner or transport the lightweight Scanner to bulkier items the MS6720 is the perfect choice for many applications. Included with the MS6720 Scanner is a stationary stand which is ideal for applications where the MS6720 is being used mostly as a hand-held Scanner. This stand was designed for ease of use while still providing sufficient room for fixed presentation. An optional adjustable stand is also available and provides 7 rotational and 9 tilting positions as well as a removable wall mount cup. The MS6720 features both short-range and long-range activation user-friendly programming reliability and versatility. Operators are sure to appreciate the convenience and flexibility of the MS6720.
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Designed for applications where counter space is at a premium Orbit is the ideal Presentation Scanner for retail convenience liquor and specialty stores. In addition Orbit's unique contoured shape allows it to be picked up and used as a hand-held when scanning large or bulky items. Engineered with a large easy-to-find sweet spot Orbit increases first pass read rate for maximum productivity. The scanning head can be tilted vertically a full 30% for added flexibility when scanning various sized objects. Orbit has a patented 20-line omnidirectional scan pattern that produces 1200 scan lines per second. These features increase the scanning through-put without increasing Orbit's size. Orbit is engineered for easy configuration and utilizes user-replaceable cables in order to meet the multiple application needs across the many markets it serves. Data editing or parsing is also a standard feature. Parsing enables the encoded information to be manipulated to meet the host system's requirements.
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MS7220 ArgusSCAN
The MS7220 Argusscan is an aggressive omni-directional laser bar code scanner ideal for retail convenience liquor grocery and specialty stores. Because it is engineered with a large high speed scan area and a bright 650 nm laser Argusscan boasts exceptionally high first pass read accuracy for maximum productivity. Offering four stand configurations the Argusscan is adaptable to a variety of applications. The modular design allows it to be mounted either horizontally or vertically and a flexible post can be added raising the scanner an additional 76 mm (3 Inch). Combine this with the MS7220's programmable depth of field and the Argusscan can be customized to meet the require-ments of even the most unique scanning environment.
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MS7320 InVista
Metrologic's MS7320 InVista offers an outstanding combination of features versatility performance and durability. This fixed mount laser bar code scanner provides ease of use and high throughput speeds by featuring a large dynamic and aggressive scan volume. InVista scanners are sure to provide a positive influence on the productivity of your check out operations by minimizing operator effort and increasing check out speed. Each InVista is shipped with an integrated EAS deactivation antenna that provides simultaneous scanning and deactivation of security tags which are used to reduce shrink in retail applications. With a field-replaceable outer window damaged windows can now be changed easily eliminating the need to send the entire unit back for repair. The small footprint takes up minimal counter space while maximizing flexibility with the use of the multi-positioning stand. The setup and inte-gration are simplified by using bar code menus or Windows based software. Supporting multiple interfaces InVista is compatible with almost every POS system cur rently on the market. The RS232 auxiliary port allows for hand held scanners or other peripherals to be connected quickly and easily. With all of the outstanding features end-users are ensured this scanner will meet the present and future needs of the scanning environments for which it is designed - grocery stores convenience stores supermarkets pharmacies and specialty stores.
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Metrologic's MS7600 Series Horizon is Metrologic's next generation in-counter laser bar code scanner. This compact hands-free scanner is designed with a dense 20 line omnidirectional scan pattern that helps provide fast efficient throughput with a high first-pass read rate. Each Horizon is equipped with an integrated EAS deactivation antenna. The EAS security tag designed to reduce shrink is deactivated and the bar code is scanned with a single pass. These simultaneous operations help improve operator comfort and increase throughput. To further enhance operator efficiency and productivity Horizon is equipped with IR laser activation. This allows the user to wake the unit from a power save or sleep mode and read a bar code instantaneously without any delay. Each Horizon includes an RS232 auxiliary port that allows for hand held bar code scanners to be connected providing easy scanning of bulky over -sized objects. Other peripherals such as check readers or magnetic stripe readers can also utilize the flexibility of the auxiliary port. The Horizon also offers multiple interfaces and data editing making it compatible with almost every POS system on the market today. The combination of performance ruggedness and a myriad of features make the Horizon an ideal choice for grocery retail coupon redemption and a multitude of applications.
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As a wearable scanner the IS4200 mounts easily and comfortably to the back of an operator's hand. By mounting the scanner to the back of the hand and connecting to a portable data collector the operator is not restricted and can freely move about. The scanner reads bar codes automatically as the operator presents the scanner to the code. Whether used for order pick-ing shipping-receiving or inventory control this simple scanning movement will undoubtedly provide increased flexibility for the operator and ultimately increased productivity. The IS4200 scanner is available in two models: IS4210 is the non-decode model and the IS4220 has built in decoding for applications that use a RS232 Keyboard Wedge Stand Alone Keyboardor Light Pen Emulation communication interface.
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